Sometimes our minds can take us to some pretty dark places. No matter how hard we try, it can seem like a lost cause to bring ourselves out of that darkness. If Satan had his way, he would keep us there because He knows that if we follow the light of Christ, he has lost!

We need to know and believe in our heart that when we follow the teachings of the Father, he will deliver us from those dark places and make our lives shine bright. Yet,there are many of us who tend to stay in the dark. This is because, unfortunately, it is the most familiar to us.

Romans 8: 17-21 explains; If our lives were free from trials and tribulations and there was never any death or disease, we would have nothing to go to the Father for. Since we are children of God, we are considered heirs. Therefore, that would make us co-heirs with Christ, and if we are co-heirs and have a share in his glory, then we should also share in his sufferings.

Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to overcome all the obstacles before us by praying to the Father. Following the light of Jesus may seem like an overwhelming task, and we usually can find several excuses why it seems that way; “I don’t have time,” “I do not understand the Bible” and many more.

Psalm 139:12 describes God’s response to the darkness; “Indeed the darkness shall not hide from you, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both the same to you.” Until the pain of staying in the dark becomes greater than the fear of surrendering and following the light of Jesus Christ, you will stay in the familiar, the dark.

How do we overcome such a task? How do we defeat the darkness that can control and destroy us? Celebrate Recovery was recently described as the emergency room of the church (Heather Layne, Jesse Orttel). At Celebrate Recovery we welcome and embrace the broken, the hurt, the lost. Many in Celebrate Recovery have felt they may never defeat the darkness within themselves. We have been in that darkness at one time or another, and sometimes we allow ourselves to go back to those dark places.

James 5:16 states; “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” By confessing our faults and our sins to people we trust, in a safe place, we can begin to heal those dark areas of our lives. Want to stop living in the dark? Follow the light of Jesus Christ, the ultimate healer! Join us at Celebrate Recovery, Tuesday is at 7:00 p.m. at Good News Community Church and allow us to help you start following the light of Jesus. God bless. Until next time.



Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups


Principle Three