Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone struggling with a hurt, habit or hang-up of any kind. We are a safe space where we encounter the power of Jesus Christ within an encouraging community. Together we find freedom from any and all issues that can control our life! I’d like to share some information with you from the Celebrate Recovery website.

What is a Hurt?
A “Hurt” is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation.(abuse, abandonment, co-dependency, divorce, relationship issues, grief etc.)

What is a Habit?
A “Habit” is an addiction or dependence on someone or something.(alcohol, drugs, pornography, hurtful people, food, gambling, smoking, shopping etc.)

What is a Hang-Up?
“Hang-ups” are negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with people or adversity.(anger, depression, fear, unforgiveness, control etc.)

We all carry hurts and hang-ups from our upbringing, relationships, or actions that have been committed against us or by us. CR is a safe space for you to work through your issues with God, surrounded by a non-judgmental community. Two in three people join Celebrate Recovery for issues other than addiction. We are all ordinary followers of Jesus. We go to different churches or may have no church affiliation at this time, but we are all united in our desire to break free from our past and radically support each other in our individual journeys. Celebrate

Recovery helps us to understand that though we are products of our past, we are not prisoners because of it.

Celebrate Recovery uses the 12 steps from AA (alcoholics anonymous) along with biblical comparisons, and the eight principles from Jesus’ sermon on the mount. The eight principles are one of the most powerful and impactful teachings that humanity has ever heard. The twelve steps and eight principles, along with informative lessons and testimonies from other CR participants help us understand and grow in our recovery journey.

The leadership team at Celebrate Recovery never tries to fix you, we leave that up to our higher power, Jesus Christ. Rather we stand beside you and walk with you as you travel the bumpy road of recovery.

Need more information? Does CR sound like the answer to so many unanswered questions? Join us, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at Good News Community Church. Or email us @ or check us out on Facebook @CROKOBOJI.

Until next month, God Bless. Don.


The Journey Begins
